bylaws of
andhra pradesh sarva shiksha abhiyaan
mis co-ordinators welfare association
(apssa mis cowa)


1.       Name of the Society  :  
          andhra pradesh sArva  shiksha abhiyaan
          mis  co-ordinators  welfare  association 
          (apssa miscowa)

2.       Location                          :  D No. 6-126, S/o. Venkateswara Rao,
                                                           Kavuluru, G. Konduru Mandal.,
                                                           Krishna Dist., A.P.  

3.       Purpose:

          The constitution 86th Amendment Act inserted Article 21A in the Constitution of India to provide “Free and Compulsory Education of all Children in the age group of 6 to 14 years a Fundamental Right”. The Right to Education  Act (RTE Act) came into effect from 01.04.2010. To implement Right to Educataion Act effectively and to strengthen the education system at Mandal Level, we the MIS Co-ordinators were appointed by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), A.P.
            As per Section 27 of Right to Education Act, ‘deployment of teachers for non-educational purposes was prohibited. As per Circular Rc.No. 367/RVM (SSA)/C1/11, dt. 27.08.2012, the Mandal Resource Persons (MRPs) were repatriated to their schools, After their repatriation to schools, the MIS Co-ordinators are discharging the duties and responsibilities of MRPs.

4.  Aims and Objectives :  

           1.    To promote co-operation and unity among its members.
           2.    To work for the Education, Social and Economic well being of Andhra Pradesh Sarva Shiksha  Abhiyaan MIS Co-ordinator (APSSA MISCO) employees.
           3.    To take interest in all kinds of activities except political calculated to promote welfare and prosperity of APSSA MIS Co-ordinator employees.
           4.    To make all Andhra Pradesh Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan MIS Co-ordinator employees conscious of their rights and duties by uniting them under the APSSA MIS Co-ordinator Welfare Association.
           5.    To protect the interests of the all APSSA MIS Co-ordinator employees by legitimate and constitutional means, rights and privileges.
           6.    To foster friendly relations and to establish mutual understanding among members, and employees through constitutional means.
           7.    To promote the Social and Cultural interests of Andhra Pradesh Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan MIS Co-ordinator Employees.
           8.    To protect the APSSA MIS Co-ordinator Employees and to ensure suitable payment & wages to the employees according to their duties.
           9.    To co-operate with other associations having similar interest and objectives.
           10.  To accomplish these goals we must be unified, inspired by a set of beliefs and principles that transcends our social and occupational diversity and guides our work.
11.  To try to redress APSSA MIS Co-ordinator employee’s grievances.
           12. To endeavour to arrange with the employees and to review and administer a separate fund by contributions from members or otherwise against sickness, infirmity, old age, accident and death and to make such other arrangements as may be feasible and to assist community development programmes, as may be deemed necessary.
          13. To endeavour to obtain information relating to School Education and Educational Policies  in  India and abroad.
           14. To encourage thrift and co-operation and to promote Co-operative Societies  for the benefit of the members.
           15.  We must develop highly trained and motivated leaders at every level of the union who reflect the membership in all its diversity.
16. We must build coalitions and act in solidarity with other organizations who share our concern for social and economic justice.

Rules and Regulations of the society

1.    Name of the Society :    andhrapradesh SARVA  shiksha  abhiyaan MIS co-ordinators    
                                                              welfare  association 
                                                         (apssa miscowa)

2.    Location                         :    D.No. 6-126, S/o. Venkateswara Rao,
                                                        Kavuluru, G. Konduru Mdl., Krishna Dist., A.P.
3.    Area of Operation      :    Any where in India may be Enlarged if overseas if needed.

4.       definitions :
                In these Rules, unless the context otherwise required or unless otherwise specified.

i)      Central Government means the Government of India represented by the Department  of  Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi.         

           ii)  District Management Unit means the district/sub-district level subordinate body or     bodies as constituted by the Executive Committee as per its power under Rule 24(viii).

           iii) Executive Committee means the body which is constituted under Rule 22 as the Executive committee of the society.

           iv) Ex-Officio Member means such persons who are members of the      
                Executive Committee by virtue of the office of appointment held by them.

           v)  Government means the Government of Andhra Pradesh.

           vi) Sarva shiksha Abhiyan means Flagship Programme of effectively Implementation of Right to Education Act 2009 under the Ministries of Human Resource Development, Government of India.

           vii) MIS (Management Information System) Co-ordinator means who is working at Mandal Resource Centres (Mandal Educational Officer’s Office). as per circular No. 5730/RVM(SSA)/B10/2010, Dt.22-8-2012 of the project Director, Sarva shiksha Abhiyan, Hyderabad.    

5.        PATRONS:
          Those who are pay Rs. 300/- working as an MIS Co-ordinator in APSSA will be Patron of the Society.  They have to pay the Yearly renewal fee of  Rs. 300/- to continue their membership. Renewal fee must be payable every year ending of the month 30th April.

6.       SUPPORTERS:
Those persons who write the committee often and help the committee finally will be treated as the supporters of the committee. Any person who take active part in the works of the committee will be treated as a supporter irrespective of his age. He will have no vote at the time of elections.

7.     Termination of MEMBERSHIP:
        The Termination of a person will cause in case of.
        a)      By death of Member.
        b)      By resignation
        c)      By absence of three consequent meetings without any advance information in writing to the President.
        d)      By termination of membership by governing body without intimation when the activities of the members are found to be detrimental to the interest of the society.
        e)      By removal by the Governing body a special resolution on grounds in discipline.
        f)       By absence to the meetings consequent for 3 times.
        g)      By fails to pay membership as per the rules.

The General body meeting shall be conducted every  year in the month of  May but in special circumstances it may conduct any time of necessary.
The quorum for  the General body meeting  shall be  1/3 rd of the  members.
The  General body can modify the rules of the Society subject to the provision of the societies registration Act.35/2001.

        a)      The General Body consists of all members of the society.
        b)      The General Body Approves the activities of the Association.
        c)      The General Body Appoint auditors, legal advisors.
        d)      The General Body elect the Governing Body /Executive Committee.
        e)      The General Body meeting shall also be covered by the President on a special Registration by note less than 1/3rd of the members of the society

          All the members except the honorary member of the society will form a Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have power to approve rules from time to time for the proper conduct of the affairs of the society. The Executive Committee will meet once in a year in the audited accounts and reports of the society as also policies adoption at the Executive Committee meeting. The quorum for the Executive Committee meeting shall be   2/3rd of their strength of Executive Committee.
                    If there is no quorum as adjoined meeting can be held after 14 days and shall conduct, meeting whether there is quorum or not. The members of the Board of executive members including the office bearers should be elected by the Executive Committee as its annual meeting.

11.      Meeting Notice :
          Members of the society shall give a written notice before 14 days for the  meeting of both General Body and Governing body. The quorum for the general body meeting shall be 2/3rd.

12.      Executive Authority:
          andhra pradesh sArva shiksha  abhiyaan
mis co-ordinators welfare Association    
          Shall be carried out by the general bodies.
         1.    General body.
         2.    Board of executive members of the body.
         Organization Board:
         a.    President                     -         1
         b.    Vice-President             -         4
         c.    Secretary                     -         1
         d.    Joint-Secretary            -         3
         e.    Treasurer                    -         1
         f.     Member                      -         5
                Total                                    15

13.    The responsibilities of the executive COMMITTEE:
         The following are the duties and responsibilities of the President:
The president is the leader of the organization. He/She is the Brain behind every activity or programme of the organization. He should point every where. He/She should paint the way to the other Executive committee Members and all the members. To be precised, He/She should leave his/her stamp of quality in every activity, the ministers does or Organizes, every responsible position in deed.
        1.     He must present at the General Body meetings / Executive Committee meetings and projects atleast 1/2 hour before.
        2.     He must confirm the establishment of Quorum in all the meetings.
        3.     In all business meetings He must follow the Agenda strictly.
        4.     Nominate the office Bearers Committee members.
        5.     He must motivate all the members to extend their cooperation and to that part in all the programmes.
        6.     Attend all the General Body meetings. Zone meetings/General Council Meetings/ Seminars.
        7.     He can delegate the work to all the office bearers, Executive Members and Vice President.
        8.     He should go through the Monthly report prepared by secretary and sign every month.
        9.     He can give ruling in the meetings, whenever necessary.
        10.   He must check all the records once in 3 months maintained by Secretary / Treasurer and other office Bearers.
        11.   Supervise all arrangements of the Programmes. Projects and functions.   

        Vice President:
        The Vice-President shall have the power of the president during the presidents absence.

        1.     The Secretary shall be responsible for the preoperational and maintenance of Registers and day to day correspondence, Accounts, etc., of the Association.
        2.     Shall convince the Meetings of the General Body and Governing Body and maintain the minutes thereof.
        3.     Shall conduct the work of the Office in consultation with President.
        4.     He will operate  Bank Account jointly with President.
          The Joint Secretary shall assist the Secretary in all his functions and perform such duties as the Secretary may delegate to him from time to time.

        The Treasurer shall deposit all the money of the Association in any Scheduled Bank as maybe directed by the Governing Body. She must maintain the receipt Book and issue the receipt for all the amounts received in respective hands. She must maintain the debit vouchers for all the expenditure incurred by the association. She must keep the bank records upto date.

        Executive Members:
              They will attend the affairs of the society as per the directions of the executive committee.
              They will attend other work relating to the society and strive for the development of the society.

14.    Election:
        a.     The election of the Governing Body shall conducted in secret ballot votes.
        b.     The Elected body shall be continued for 3 years i.e. tenure of office arreas to 3 years.

15.    Banking Account:
        The Bank account shall be opened in a schedule Bank in the name of the Society. Bank account jointly operated by President and Secretary. (Two member bank with drawals).

                Our Bank
                State Bank of India
                Current A/c No. 35726293594.
                IFSC Code: SBIN0000836.
                MICR Code:   534002001.
                Main Branch, N.R. Peta, (Near Collectorate)
                ELURU – 534006., West Godavari District.

16.    records :
        The Society is entitled to keep the relevant records of the society minutes book, documents with regards to registration of the society vouchers, other documents etc., in any place or places as per the Instructions of the members every one of them in the state custody of the President.

17.      FUNDS:
          Funds and Assets:
i.                To allot some amount as capital fund for the fulfilment of various plans and programmes as per the aims and objectives of the society and for the around rural development with humanitarian look and helping the needy people.

        ii.       The Society can accept membership fees subscription or any other assets. The Society can also accept the movable and immovable properties of other societies which are having similar aims and objectives, similar rules and regulations of our society at the time of their winding up.

        iii.      The society can accept donations, subsidize any person or origination. The society can also collect funds from voluntary organization funding agencies.

          No amendment or alteration shall be made in the purpose of the society unless it is voted by 2/3 rd of the members present contend for the purpose and confirmed by 2/3 rd of the members present at a Second General Body Meeting.

19.      AUDIT:
          The accounts of the society shall be audited by the qualified charted accountant and the financial year of the society shall be April 1st  to March 31st .

20.      WINDING UP or dissolution:
                    If the General Body feels that it is necessary to wind up the Society after thoroughly examining all aspects, it can adopt a resolution to dissolve the Society.  The assets etc., of the Society shall be transferred to another Society having similar aims and objectives.  The assets of the Society shall, under no circumstances, be shared or apportioned or appropriated to or by among the members.

                    It shall be registered under Sec.  1 of the societies Registration act 2001 after obtaining the approval of  3/5th of the majority of the general body.

21.   Disqualification:
The General Body can disqualify any members by 3/5th majority of members present.

22.   Liquidation:
        In any time under any circumstances, the society has to be liquidate all the properties both movable and immovable shall be transferred to any other society having the similar objectives with the consent of  3/5th members of the General Body programmes and Services will be conducted with in Andhra Pradesh only.

1. Kolla Yarakayya Nayudu                       33           President                 S/o. Devudu
                                                                                                                   2-65, Venkanna Babugudi Veeedhi, Rowthulapudi,
                                                                                                                   East Godavari Dt.,
                                                                                                                   A.P. PIN : 533 446    
                                                                                                                   Cell : 9951408456

    2.   Pothanapalli Balaraju     32           Vice President-1     S/o. P. Krishna Murth (Late)
                                                                                                                   4-22, Chinnasunnadevi,
                                                                                                                   Gurudasupuram, 532 243
                                                                                                                   Palasa, Srikakulam.A.P.

    3.   Kuppala Sudhakar Babu     29           Vice President-2     S/o. Hanumantha Rao,
                                                                                                                   3-126, Koniki, Prakasam Dist.,
                                                                                                                   A.P. 523 167.      

    4.   Sanagari Ramesh                    33           Vice President-3     S/o. Sanagari Sannappa,
                                                                                                                   2-212, Singanamala,
                                                                                                                   Anantapur, A.P. 515345.

    5.   Alla Sankaraiah                     31           Vice President-4     S/o. Subbaiah,
                                                                                                                   Peddavorampadu Vill. & Post,
                                                                                                                   Obulavaripalli Mdl.,
                                                                                                                   Y.S.R. Kadapa Dist.,
                                                                                                                   A.P. 516 108

    6.   Kotikalapudi Gopala Krishnaiah                               36 Secretary     Chitti Venkaiah, 10-26,
                                                                                                                   Kotikalapudivari St.,
                                                                                                                   Ward-10, Iragavaram,
                                                                                                                   West Godavari,-534 217.
                                                                                                                   Andhra Pradesh,

    7.   Matsa Laxmana Rao              33           Joint Secretary-1    S/o. Matsa Bodeshu
                                                                                                                   A.P. 531 030.      

    8.   K. Madhavaiah                          33           Joint Secretary-2    S/o. late. Narasaiah,
                                                                                                                   Chittor, A.P. 517 536.         

    9.   Endla Satyanarayana         30           Joint Secretary-3    S/o. Endla Lakshmanna
                                                                                                                   5-18, Chippagiri,
                                                                                                                   Kurnool, A.P. 518 396
                                                                                                                   Cell : 90003 87020    

  10.   Bezawada Sriharibabu        39           Treasurer                S/o. Venkateswara Rao
                                                                                                                   Kavuluru-521 228.
                                                                                                                   Krishna Dt., A.P.

  11.   Srinivasa Rao Chodiginjala           25                            Member   31, Main Road,
                                                                                                                   A.P. 535 579

  12.   Bolagani Ashok Babu          27           Member                  S/o. Koteswara Rao, 8-50,
                                                                                                                   Gowda Palem,
                                                                                                                   Near Rama Mandiram,
                                                                                                                   Pittalavanipalem, Guntur
                                                                                                                   A.P. 522 329

  13.   Tatiparthi Babu                      32           Member                  S/o. Narasaiah,
                                                                                                                   A.P. 524 320

  14.   Yasarapu Srinivasu               31           Member                  S/o. Surya Rao
                                                                                                                   Saripalli Post,
                                                                                                                   Ganapavaram Mdl.,
                                                                                                                   West Godavari
                                                                                                                   A.P. 534 198.

  15.   Thadiboina Venkata Babu 27           Member                  S/o. T. Koteswara Rao,
                                                                                                                   Prakasam Dist.,
                                                                                                       A.P. 523 212.      

1.      Certified that the Society is formed with no profit motive and no commercial activity is involved its working.
2.      Certified that the society would not engage in any agitational activities to ventilate its grievances.
3.      Certified that  office bearers are not paid from the funds of the society.
4.      Certified that the Office bearers signature are genuine.
         We, the several persons, whose names and address are given below are desirous of being formed into a society called andhra pradesh  sArva  shiksha  abhiyaan m.i.s  co ordinators  welfare    association  (apssa miscowa) under the socities registration Act 35 of 2001.

Sl.No.                 Name                                   Designation                  Signature                                                                 
    1.   Kolla Yarakayya Nayudu President                               
    2.   Pothanapalli Balaraju                    Vice President-1    
    3.   Kuppala Sudhakar Babu                    Vice President-2    
    4.   Sanagari Ramesh                                   Vice President-3    
    5.   Alla Sankaraiah                                    Vice President-4    
    6.   Kotikalapudi Gopala Krishnaiah  Secretary             
    7.   Matsa Laxmana Rao                             Joint Secretary-1   
    8.   K. Madhavaiah                                         Joint Secretary-2   
    9.   Endla Satyanarayana                        Joint Secretary-3   
  10.   Bezawada Sriharibabu                       Treasurer               
  11.   Srinivasa Rao Chodiginjala           Member
  12.   Bolagani Ashok Babu                          Member
  13.   Tatiparthi Babu                                      Member
  14.   Yasarapu Srinivasu                              Member

15.    Thadiboina Venkata Babu                  Member